Two words: Big Pony. And no, I am not talking about a small horse. I am talking about the new colorful line of fragrances from Ralph Lauren: Big Pony Collection for Women. With their vibrant colors and bold design, the Big Pony Collection targets the 18-24year old consumer. This is evident in the youthfulness of the first fragrance in the collection, 1, the topic of Scents n Scentsibility's last post.

Once 2 is sprayed you enter into a fragrant world which is both warmer and subtler than 1: there is no immediate intensity knocking you off your feet. You are wrapped in a refined aroma of gentle, sweet berry swirled with quiet citrus tones. The sweet-fruity-citral scent is reminiscent of Escada fragrances, but unlike Escada, this fragrance is not as brash, as sweet nor as overpowering. The fragrance is linear with a little added musk to give the scent staying power.
This is definitely a different, and even clever, take on sensual. With this fragrance, Ralph Lauren stays true to the Big Pony style by being youthful and innocent, but adds sexiness through a quiet allure. This is unlike typical sensual fragrances that are heavy on the orientals, the musks, the woods. With this fragrance you realize sensuality can not only be defined by lavish, rich scents, but also by illusive, enigmatic ones which leave you wanting more.
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