Yes, it's true. The house finally got so horriblely dirty that I spent four hours scrubbing the whole thing from top to bottom. Something peculiar and unexpected happened, though. I found myself actually enjoying what I was doing ... and it was all because of the scents I was surrounding myself with.
I started with the counters - they were atrocious! I tackled this task with method all purpose cleaner, pink grapefruit. I followed the directions to a T: I sprayed. I wiped. I admired my lovely clean counters. But something they forgot to put on the directions was to enjoy the lovely fresh, bright, non-chemically and very pink grapefruit scent of the product. No worries, though. Even though this wasn't on the directions I still did it!
Eventually I finished with the counters and decided to tackle the acres of floors that I had to wash and scrub on my knees just like Cinderella (ok, I might be exaggerating just a bit, but you get the picture). For this task I grabbed Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Lemon Verbena All Purpose Cleaner. For the first five minutes or so of my scrubbing I was seriously wondering the benefits of tile - carpet would be so much easier to care for! Eventually my attitude changed as I saw the floor getting clean and looking pretty; but mostly I noticed how wonderful the house was smelling. Like with method, there was no scary, nose destroying chemical smell, but a fragrant, light and fresh citrus scent with warming herbal notes underneath so that it wasn't too lemon-y, Pledge-like or sterile. It was inviting and glorious and myself and my floors were definitely enjoying it!
Ok. So now you're thinking that I am a naturals-only cleaning product kind of girl. Not so. For my bathrooms I reverted to the cleaner I've used for most of my life: good ol' Soft Scrub (with Micro Scrubbing Actives, Lemon scent). Of course in contrast to method and Mrs. Meyers Soft Scrub does have tinges of a chemically scent to it, but overall, I was impressed! The lemon scent deftly muted the chemicals in the base and, in contrast to the fresh and warm citrus-herbal smell of Mrs. Meyer's, the Soft Scrub Lemon scent was light and cleanly sweet. It was an energizing experience to smell such a wonderful, non-harsh scent from such a chemical-based cleaner.
I must admit that I never hated cleaning, but I also never knew that it could be such a pleasant-scent-filled experience ... I can't wait to do more!
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